oN THe WaY

Yesterday, I visited Tokyo to join the international seminar.

This event strongly frustrated me because of of my lowest English communication skill.

There were lots of chances to contact with foreigners.

But I couldn't do so.

I think that nowadays it is very shameful not to communicate in English in Japan,

I must train my skill of English communication...

After the seminar I went to Shibuya for the first time in 3 to 4 years.

There were lots of young people with flowing energy.

To tell the truth, I was frightened to be there.

It is undeniable that I am the rural man.

In Shibya, I have a few spare, so I visited CAFE MAMEHIKO, I have interested, to take a short break.

A coup of coffee cost high, but I have filled with a feeling of satisfaction.

If you have chance to visit Shbuya, would you take one coup in there?

By the way, my purpose for visit Shibya was join the reception at embassy.

Probably that was the first and last chance to visit there in my life.

Regrettably I also didn't communicate with English natives but I talked with some great Japanese.

They have fantastic experiences and skills.

I thought they are very cool and I envy their gifts.

Now I have no attractiveness that can well effects on someone, this is really irritated myself and some of the self-confidence-less always be in my mind.

Ummm, I don't know the way to bail out this situation.

But all I can do know is only live today with best effort without regret.