

This is her story about how to loitering a town.

We can also enjoy her drawings, these are really cute, in these books.

I re-realized that I am fascinated almost only her choice of clothes.

So this book are not necessarily enjoyable.

Yah yah, I admit that in probable I am simply jealous of her flowing charms...


Ryoji Arai is one of the most famous pic book artist in Japan.

I like his sense of drawing.

I bought this book when I visited Clematis-no-Oka.

This is his first comic book.

I can't find my feeling after read this, but only i can say is this book make your mind a little bit relaxed.

If you have a interest with him and his works, i recomend to read this site -http://www.1101.com/news/index.html-

●入門 考える技術・書く技術(山崎康司)

This is the re-wrote edition of the best sold book for Japanese.

If you think that your message frequently didn't be understood by your colleagues, you should take up this book.

I think that all in this are necessarily effective for all.

But to know techniques and try to make simple sentences would support your daily business...

ふとした思いつきからblog に英語をまぜる試みを始めましたが、能力の低さに愕然とせざるを得ません。



